DCEU founder Zack Snyder shares what he is hoping to see in James Gunn’s DC Universe, and which character he is excited to see handled in the reboot.

This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more information as it becomes available.


  • Zack Snyder discusses his hopes for the DC universe.
  • Snyder explains if characters are treated with reverence and are comic book accurate, he’s “down” for the DCU.
  • Snyder mentions his anticipation for the portrayal of Superman in upcoming DC movies.



Zack Snyder talks about what he is looking forward to seeing in James Gunn’s DC Universe.

In a new interview with CBR, Snyder was asked what he is hoping to see come to fruition in Gunn’s DC Universe, and what character he is personally excited to see flourish, as he shared the following:

CBR: You led the charge for so long in the DCEU, fans are always going to want to know what you think – are there any like one or two things you hope to see from DC movies going forward?

Zack Snyder: You know, I’m a pretty open book. I really feel like, you know, if the characters are treated with reverence, and mythologically correct, then I’m down. I’m in. Let’s see what happens. I’m pretty excited.

CBR: Any characters in particular you hope flourish well?

Zack Snyder: Well, I mean, we’re going to get Superman pretty soon, so we’ll see what that’s like.

Source: CBR

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