The Big Picture

  • Producers confirmed more of the controversial Wendy Williams docuseries to come.
  • Ford and Hanson aim for Emmy recognition for the series despite backlash.
  • Williams has seen the docuseries and is reportedly fine with it, per her close contacts.

The Lifetime docuseries about Wendy Williams has not had the best reputation. It has been called out for being a “gross invasion of her privacy” and Williams’ team and family could not stop it even when they wanted to. It didn’t help that the docuseries also documented how Williams’ manager, Will Shelby focused on a career comeback and not Williams’ health in the series Where Is Wendy Williams? Now, it seems, that the series is not over with rumors that more of Where Is Wendy Williams coming our way.

Producers Mark Ford and Erica Hanson said in a new exclusive interview with ET Online, that there is still more to this series. “The story’s not over. I could say that much…We’ve continued to be in touch with [the family] and they’re very supportive of the project,” Ford stated. He went on to say “I think, you know, this isn’t the end of this story. There’ll be more…I don’t think the world has seen the last of Wendy Williams.”

The series was pushed back against because Williams was dealing with health issues at the time as well as an alcohol addiction, but both Ford and Hanson stated that they joined the project because they both thought (along with Williams and her son Kevin Hunter Jr.) that showing this version of the popular talk show host was important.

Where Is Wendy Williams Lifetime Poster

Where Is Wendy Williams?

Cameras follow Wendy Williams’ attempt at a career comeback after her hit show’s sudden cancellation as she confronts health and personal issues.

Release Date
February 24, 2024

Wendy Williams , Kevin Hunter Jr. , Alex Finnie , Will Selby , Travis Finnie , Shawn Zanotti , Tommy Williams , Thomas Williams

Main Genre


The First Release Was ControversialWendy Williams 'Where Is Wendy Williams_' (2)

When talking to ET Online, Hanson explained that this wasn’t an easy choice to make. “This is not an easy story to watch or to tell. But hopefully we did it truthfully, with integrity and sensitively.” But that didn’t stop Hanson and Ford from talking about Emmy dreams for the series, with Hanson saying “Oh, that would mean, I think, the world. Not only to us, but to Wendy…I can’t even imagine the impact that would have on her.”


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Ford went on to say that it would be a “tribute” for this series to get an Emmy. “It would be an amazing tribute to Wendy to get an Emmy nomination for something she was an executive producer on that allowed her to tell her story.” Neither Ford nor Hanson have spoken to Williams since it has aired but Ford said that he has spoken to “people who are close to her, and she has seen the film, and she’s fine with it, according to the people that have spoken to her.”

Where Is Wendy Williams? can be streamed on Lifetime.

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